It's about diving. And cats.

Me diving

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ted's Cave 2 Adventure

Rob and I were wanting to do a longer (full week) trip to Florida before the hot months come. Ted meanwhile was looking to take Cave 2 sometime in the winter or early spring. So we wanted to overlap so that we could dive with him the weekend after class. In the end we decided to just go the same week since there are certain conveniences associated with traveling together (although it does complicate the cat sitter situation).

In the past, I have bulk posted all of my reports for a trip at once, but with 10 whole days of cave diving (!) to write about, that doesn't really make sense.  So this time, I will trickle the posts, and update the master list below as I post.

Ginnie Shakeout Dive
Little River: the last room?
Ginnie Springs: Main Land
Eagle's Nest, Upstream
Peacock Tour
Eagle's Nest, Upstream-er
Corrupting Ted at Ginnie
Double Domes
Ice Room-ward

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Finally got around to reading these! It was super nice getting to meet you guy and hang out for a week. Thanks for not being too hard on me as the fill-in, newbie tank monkey. Hope to see you around.