The second dive was at West Escarceo, which is closer; it is
not quite to the point to the east. We
joined another boat with some chaps from the UK for the rest of the day. This was another site that was reefy on a
slope. This dive was with Cris, who was
good at pointing out little critters.
After lunch, we went back to basically one site over, to a site called
“Wreck Point” with Thax. Our nudi-finding
skills improved with each dive, so we saw more of the ones we’d seen before
plus some new guys.
There was a dusk dive to look for mandarin fish, so we
initially thought we wouldn’t have time for the second afternoon dive, but Rob
didn’t comprehend this concept, and talked them into taking us for a quick dive
just out from of the resort. Like a one
minute boat ride. We were joined by
another diver who had just received his delayed gear, so this was his first
dive of the trip. This site was pretty
much sand with little patches of reef, which had plenty of neat critters. All in all, across the day dives, in addition
to the nudibranchs, the other critters that I liked the best were the orangutan
crabs (which are SO cute). And that
electric clam was really awesome.
The mandarin fish dive was similarly close to the
resort. The plan was to spend 20 or so
minutes in the rubble area with the mandarinfish and then swim off for a night
dive. We were told that the fishies
wouldn’t like white lights, so a couple people had red lights to use
instead. We were briefed to drop down
around this rubble area and form a circle, and kneel on the sand and wait for
the fishies to come out. I’m not exactly
a fan of kneeling on the sand (not so much for philosophical reason but because it just isn't comfortable in my opinion), but hovering in a circle, when there is current,
is a bit of a pain. Rob found the
perfect spot in the circle so he was just swimming a little bit into the
current. And left me to get swirled
around in the current :P At first I was
getting pretty bored because I would just occasionally get a glimpse of one or
two of the fish, and I could barely make them out. I guess my eyes eventually adjusted, because
eventually I was able to see them really clearly and I could pick out pairs of
them all over the place! So then it got
fun. We ended up spending about 45
minutes with the mandarinfish, and then swam around a bit to look for other
critters. The memorable critters that we
saw were a white cuttlefish (my first ever, not a flamboyant though) and a really
cool (maybe a little creepy-looking) flatfish.
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